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  • latest060812

    06/08/2012 | The K7RA Solar Update

    The average daily sunspot numbers increased about 60 percent during the past week (May 31-June 6), when compared to the previous seven days (May 24-30). The increase was 48.5 points, from 81.9 to 130.4. The average daily solar flux was also up: 18.6 point
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  • latest053112

    06/01/2012 | The K7RA Solar Update

    The average daily sunspot numbers sank more than 28 points this week (nearly 26 percent) to 81.9, while the average daily solar flux declined more than 16 points to 111.6. This is for the seven days of May 24-30, and is compared to the previous seven days
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  • latest052512.jpg

    05/25/2012 | The K7RA Solar Update

    The average daily sunspot numbers declined seven points over the past week to 110.3, while the average daily solar flux dropped 3.3 points to 131. Sunspot numbers for May 17-23 were 114, 118, 110, 124, 120, 95 and 91, with a mean of 110.3. The 10.7 cm flu
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